Five Proven Methods For Removing Mice From Your Property

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Five Proven Methods For Removing Mice From Your Property

Five Proven Methods For Removing Mice From Your Property

28 August 2023
, Blog

It is usually best to turn to a professional in pest control services if you notice two or more mice on your property as this may signal a wider infestation for which you will need expert assistance. However, even one mouse can be problematic, especially if you find droppings in your kitchen or that your food store has been gnawed into. Eliminating mice from your property is essential for hygiene reasons but doing so can also also prevent damage to structures. What pest control measures are effective against mice? Read on to find out.

1. Set Traps

Traditional snap traps remain one of the most effective pest control measures to catch and kill mice. Made of wood or plastic, these traps use a spring-loaded mechanism that snaps shut when a mouse takes the bait, typically cheese or peanut butter. If you prefer a more humane approach, live-catch traps are also available. These traps allow you to catch the mice without killing them, so they can be released far from the home. Regardless of the trap type, it is crucial to check them regularly and use gloves when handling them to prevent the spread of diseases.

2. Lay Poisons and Baits

Rodenticides are potent chemicals that can effectively eliminate mice as well as rats. Typically, they are available in pellet form. Place them in areas with high mouse activity. Note that they need to be used with extreme caution, especially in homes with pets or children. If consumed, rodenticides can be lethal to humans. It's also worth noting that mice who consume the poison might die in hidden areas, leading to unpleasant odors. Always follow the manufacturer's advice when using poisoned baits.

3. Utilize Peppermint Oil

While not as effective as traps or poison, peppermint oil acts as a natural deterrent. Mice dislike the strong scent of peppermint. By soaking cotton balls in peppermint oil and placing them in areas where mice activity has been spotted, you can often deter mice from entering specific zones. Refreshing the oil regularly helps to ensure its potency remains.

4. Seal Entry Points

Prevention is often better than the cure in all forms of pest control. Since mice can squeeze through surprisingly small openings, it's a good idea to inspect the property for potential entry points. By sealing gaps, cracks, and holes with materials like steel wool, caulk, or metal sheeting, you should be able to prevent mice from entering your home in the first place. Don't forget to check areas where utility pipes and vents enter the home.

5. Hire Professional Exterminators

When the infestation gets out of hand, or if DIY methods prove ineffective, hiring a professional pest control exterminator will be advisable. These experts have access to commercial-grade solutions and can provide insights into the root of the problem. They can identify infestation hotspots, eliminate mice efficiently, and give tailored advice to prevent future infestations.

Contact a pest control service today to learn more.

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safely and effectively eliminate home pests

How far are you willing to go to get rid of the pests in your house? A few months ago, I read a story in a local newspaper about a man who accidentally burned his house down in a failed attempt to get rid of the ants that had invaded his kitchen. You know, you don't have to go to such extremes to get rid of the pests in your house. This blog will show you several safe methods of eliminating the ants, flies, spiders, mice and other pests that could be getting on your very last nerve so you can eliminate them without losing your home or your mind.
